Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving (and an early Christmas)

Grandma and Grandpa Porter arrived on Monday for a 2 week visit. This included us all heading down to DC on Thursday morning to spend Thanksgiving with Jason, Milly, Jocelyn, Bella and Ruby. Since we were all together, we figured we might as celebrate an early Christmas as well. We had a great time and so did Jackson - he loved exploring the big house, climbing the stairs, playing with his new toys, eating turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries and always having a set of hands to hold him.

Grandma and mommy made these turkey cupcakes on Wednesday. Let's just say that didn't quite look the same on Thursday when we got to DC.

Grandpa carving the bacon crusted 30 pound turkey

Grandma and Jackson climbing stairs

Jackson checking out his stack of presents

Uncle Jason and Jackson unwrapping his new push truck

Aunt Milly and Ruby looking FAB-U-LOUS after Ruby smeared herself with make-up

Jackson testing out his new Christmas jammies

Jackson up to no good

Jackson riding his new truck

Ruby painting Uncle Adam's toenails

The cousins!

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