Monday, August 26, 2013


Vivian has already had a handful of visitors!  I wasn't quick enough on the camera for all of them, but we are always more than happy to show off our new little addition.  More visitors are planned, with Honey scheduled to arrive this Thursday.  

Dave came to visit us in the hospital

Alexa, our neighbor, came over to get some snuggles

Suzy, Joey's mom, says hello
Joey holding Vivian (before Jackson even was willing!)   
Katie, Andy and Anne came to visit this weekend

....and brought Jackson a new Duplo train set that he wasn't willing to let Anne play with

Going Home

On Wednesday, August 14 (her original due date), we packed up our bags and headed home to reality. We could have stayed in the hospital an additional day, but felt like since we are old pros at this (ha!) that it would be good to get back to the comforts of our own home.  Plus, if mommy had to sleep in that scratchy bed one more night, she was going to lose it.

Daddy getting her all buckled in.
Ready to roll!
Grandma quickly gets her hands on her
Jackson opening his remote control car that his sister gave him.   
Grandpa holding the little pea

Name origin of Vivian Jane

When I was early in the pregnancy (before we even knew we were having a girl), we were at one of Jackson's music classes.  One of the little girl's in the class was named Vivian.  Daddy turned to me and said "that's a great name."  From that point on, that was really the only first name we considered.

The middle name was a bit more difficult for us to agree on.  We both had different opinions, but a few days before Vivian was due to be born, I came across a list of all the names we had considered for Jackson, as well as a list of the names on my mom's side of the family.

We saw that my mom's mom (Grandma Great Edith Amundson) had the middle name Jane, which we both really liked and also liked that it had significance.  Our name hunt was done.

Interestingly, Vivian was on Adam's original list of names we considered if Jackson was a girl.  Though apparently at that point I didn't like it as much as it was crossed off!

Here is what the baby name book says about these names:

Vivian:  This polished old favorite is ready to shine again.  The full name Vivian has a no-nonsense elegance, while the nickname Viv is impish and contemporary.
Nicknames:  Viv, Vi, Vivi

Here is what a website says about the meaning of the name.

GENDER: Masculine & Feminine
PRONOUNCED: VIV-ee-ən (English)   [key]
Meaning & History
From the Latin name Vivianus which was derived from Latin vivus "alive". Saint Vivian was a French bishop who provided protection during the Visigoth invasion of the 5th century. It has been occasionally used as an English (masculine) name since the Middle Ages. In modern times it is also used as a feminine name, in which case it is either an Anglicized form of BÉBINN or a variant of VIVIEN (2).

Jane:  Plain Jane is the gold standard for simplicity, and that's a terrific distinction.  The founders of Jane magazine banked on the name's distinctness to cement their image.  It's straight-shooting and genuine.

Vivian's Birth Day

On Monday, August 12th, mommy and daddy headed for the hospital just before 9:30 to be there two hours ahead of the scheduled 11:30 am c-section.  Grandma and Grandpa Porter arrived on Saturday to hang out with Jackson while we were at at hospital.

I got ready for "surgery", including a consultation with the anesthesiologist since I had some concerns about their ability to do another spinal anesthetic rather than putting me under.  He gave me a lot of confidence and was totally able to deliver!

At 11:22 I walked myself into the OR and they put my spinal in.  Vivian Jane Hardt was born at 11:41 am, so that just shows how quickly they work!  There were about 8 staff in the room with me and of course Adam was there as well.  This is the first picture of Vivian!

Dr Fan told me after the delivery that they had to use the vacuum on Vivian's head to get her out.  Surprisingly, she was only 7 lbs 11 ounces so she seemed downright tiny compared to Jackson.  

The anesthesiologist was nice enough to take a picture of daddy holding Vivian.

She was good at making sure her crier worked.

Mommy holding Vivian for the first time.  Look at that pout face!

After I was put back together, the three of us went into the recovery room for a couple of hours before I got moved to my regular room.  Around 3 pm, Grandma, Grandpa and Jackson arrived to meet their new granddaughter/sister.  Jackson gave Vivian a pink teddy bear that he had picked out himself in the gift shop.

And then a little while later, Amanda arrived to meet her!

Daddy got some snuggles in as well!

Vivian Jane Hardt

Vivian Jane Hardt has arrived!  She was born on Monday, August 12 at 11:41 am, weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and measuring 19 inches long.  We are so excited to have this sweet little pea in our pretty rowdy family!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Family of three for just a few more hours

We tried to get Jackson to put a basketball under his shirt, but he wasn't having any part of our shenanigans

3.5 Year Update

Proper update to come once life settles down a bit here, but here are some pics from Saturday when Grandpa and Grandma Porter arrived and Jackson turned 3.5 years old.

Climbing trees
Checking out his new scooter
Giving it a test drive during the 5 seconds he was willing to wear his helmet.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Random Musings

With only a few days to go before Butter Bean's arrival, wanted to post a few random pics to make sure I was properly caught up on all things Jackson before this site turns a bright shade of pink.  

Carrying one in front and the other in the back
Cute hand menagerie - Jackson is the elephant

Jackson capitalized on my pregnancy cravings and got me to buy these $15 cupcakes

Helping me out at Trader Joes - he only took out about 10 people this time, so an improvement
Jackson knows daddy very well
We went to see Turbo.....
...and then he had to ride the motorcycle to show us that he has a need for speed too
Enough Llama Llama Red Pajama, I need something more advanced.....

Tee Ball

Jackson has been playing  tee ball for the first time this summer in a YMCA program for kids ages 3- 7.  Every Wednesday we go to a field by our house so he can practice hitting the ball off the tee, catching, running the bases and being part of a team.  He is far more interested in hitting the ball than he is catching.  He's a great hitter though - he gets up and takes his 5 cuts and takes his base, never missing a single ball!  

 And while we don't currently have him in swim lessons since the class was full, we have been going to open swim every Sunday.  This has been great for me too, especially when it was 95 degrees outside!  He's getting a lot better - loves jumping in the pool, dunking his own head and last week he even doggie paddled across the pool by himself with just a noodle under his arms.  He still refuses to wear a life jacket or any arm floaties.

Starting in Sept, he will be back in soccer.  We're going to try a new league (Hockessin) and it looks like it's a little intense for little ones - he needs spikes and shin guards!

Boys night out

Last Saturday, daddy took Jackson to an MLS game at the stadium in Chester, PA which is only about 20 minutes from our house.  Daddy had gotten some tickets through work and I decided to opt out and relax at home.  Bad decision on my part - those "pretty good" work tickets ended up being row C behind the visiting team's - Chicago Fire - bench (rows A & B).  Face value of the tickets?  $325!  They had a great "boys night out" though - complete with bubbles, rainbows, high fives from players, great views of the bridge to NJ and of course, great seats.

Jackson in heaven drinking bubbles
This guy gave Jackson a high five
"Hey, let me give you guys some advice on your next play."
Front row seats!