Friday, August 9, 2013

Tee Ball

Jackson has been playing  tee ball for the first time this summer in a YMCA program for kids ages 3- 7.  Every Wednesday we go to a field by our house so he can practice hitting the ball off the tee, catching, running the bases and being part of a team.  He is far more interested in hitting the ball than he is catching.  He's a great hitter though - he gets up and takes his 5 cuts and takes his base, never missing a single ball!  

 And while we don't currently have him in swim lessons since the class was full, we have been going to open swim every Sunday.  This has been great for me too, especially when it was 95 degrees outside!  He's getting a lot better - loves jumping in the pool, dunking his own head and last week he even doggie paddled across the pool by himself with just a noodle under his arms.  He still refuses to wear a life jacket or any arm floaties.

Starting in Sept, he will be back in soccer.  We're going to try a new league (Hockessin) and it looks like it's a little intense for little ones - he needs spikes and shin guards!

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