Monday, August 26, 2013

Vivian's Birth Day

On Monday, August 12th, mommy and daddy headed for the hospital just before 9:30 to be there two hours ahead of the scheduled 11:30 am c-section.  Grandma and Grandpa Porter arrived on Saturday to hang out with Jackson while we were at at hospital.

I got ready for "surgery", including a consultation with the anesthesiologist since I had some concerns about their ability to do another spinal anesthetic rather than putting me under.  He gave me a lot of confidence and was totally able to deliver!

At 11:22 I walked myself into the OR and they put my spinal in.  Vivian Jane Hardt was born at 11:41 am, so that just shows how quickly they work!  There were about 8 staff in the room with me and of course Adam was there as well.  This is the first picture of Vivian!

Dr Fan told me after the delivery that they had to use the vacuum on Vivian's head to get her out.  Surprisingly, she was only 7 lbs 11 ounces so she seemed downright tiny compared to Jackson.  

The anesthesiologist was nice enough to take a picture of daddy holding Vivian.

She was good at making sure her crier worked.

Mommy holding Vivian for the first time.  Look at that pout face!

After I was put back together, the three of us went into the recovery room for a couple of hours before I got moved to my regular room.  Around 3 pm, Grandma, Grandpa and Jackson arrived to meet their new granddaughter/sister.  Jackson gave Vivian a pink teddy bear that he had picked out himself in the gift shop.

And then a little while later, Amanda arrived to meet her!

Daddy got some snuggles in as well!

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