Monday, November 11, 2013

2 Month Update

Everyone says I look like mommy.  Here she is at 2 months old.  What do you think?

Weight: 12 lbs 9 oz (90th percentile)

Length: 23 inches (75 percentile)

Visitors:  G-Pop came to visit!  We had fun hanging out with him for a few days.

Sleeping/eating patterns: Mommy has been happy because I am pretty good sleeper and seem to know my days from my nights.  I'll sleep for a good 4-6 hour stretch right when I go to bed around 7.  

My Likes: Sucking my thumb!

My Dislikes: All of my two month shots (4 in total), but I only cried for a few seconds.  I'm a tough girl!  The pediatrician said I was a very healthy, busy girl.  She thought I was very strong too.  

Other milestones:  I started to give social smiles right around 6 weeks.  Found my thumb! Just like Jackson, I'm a thumb sucker.  Mommy and daddy closed on our new house on Oct 11.  We went there to have pizza even though we hadn't moved in yet.  I'm looking forward to my own pink bedroom!

Looking forward to in the next month: Moving to my new house, Halloween and a surprise trip!

Want to compare me to my brother at this age?  Click here.

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