Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Halloween 2013

For Halloween this year, we had a few different festivities.  Jackson kicked off Halloween by insisting that he wear his new tiger costume to the dentist on Tuesday.  Then on Wednesday we had trick-or-treating and a Halloween party at mommy's office so we could introduce Vivian and so Jackson could get some loot.  Daddy and Jackson came home to pick us up to go to Philly and Jackson was crying and saying he didn't want to be a tiger.  So, I grabbed the Thomas costume that Honey brought him last year that he refused to wear.  Success!  Perhaps next year he will be a tiger.  The next day was Halloween and Jackson's parade and party at school. And then of course trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood. While Daddy and Jackson went out trick-or-treating for a bit, I stayed home to hand out candy.  It was pretty quiet though, so Vivian and I joined them for the last half.  All in all, we had a great time and got way too much candy.  For more pics, click here.

Proof that even tigers get their fangs cleaned.  A priming really, for a nice coat of Halloween sugar 
"Daddy is under my spell"
Thomas and our little witch at TW

Thomas making the rounds in the office
Day care parade

Jackson's teacher serving cupcakes 
The school owners get in on the fun
Getting ready to go trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood

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