Thursday, August 13, 2009

Adios First Trimester

I officially moved into the second trimester this week and as most of you know, that's when pregos breathe a sigh of relief and then open their mouth again and start to tell everyone the good news.

Just a bit on my first trimester: In a nutshell, it was a breeze. No morning sickness. Both ultrasounds looked good. I ate enough for me, Peanut, and any imaginary friends he (I'll get to the masculine reference in a later post) might have. I gained the standard 5 pounds (mostly due to Fruity Pebbles, Ritz Crackers and pizza). I continued to travel to my client in Houston without any issue. I continued to work out. Adam and I continued to take trips on the weekends. Life hasn't changed so much yet.

And now I'm just trying to embrace the calm before the third trimester storm.

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