Friday, August 21, 2009

Doctor's Appt #3

Here's how today's scheduled monthly appointment went:

-Sit in the waiting room for 15 minutes
-Pee in a cup
-Get weighed (I've gained about 5 lbs according to them, although I think it's a couple more than that, and I'm pretty sure it is all in my boobs and butt)
-Sit in the dr's office for 45 minutes
-Dr finally comes in, answers my questions for 2 minutes (and confirms I can dye my hair - whoo hoo!)
-Puts some gel on my belly so I can hear the heartbeat. Heartbeat is 150 in a typical range of 120-160. According to the old wives tales, this means it's a girl. I'm still sticking with my boy theory, but we'll just have to wait until Feb to find out.
-Scheduled next monthly appt and first external ultrasound

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