Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lesson Learned (on an airplane)

Lesson: Do not read pregnancy books in public for other people are nosy and will begin to give you unsolicited advice.

I was recently on a flight to Houston that is about 3.5 hours. With about an hour left in the flight, I took out a book that my friend Amanda gave me called "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy." I thought I was being very discreet, not showing the cover, and trying to hoover over the book so no words could be seen. Well, the woman in the middle seat next to me decided this was an invitation for her to ask "Honey, are you pregnant?" Hindsight being what it is, I should have just said "no" so she would go back to minding her own business. When I affirmed that I was, she proceeded to touch my stomach, tell me how to prepare for breastfeeding, and that spanking kids is the best way to keep kids in line. When she asked how I planned to give birth I responded with "as many drugs as they will give me" to try and turn her off. No such luck - she just kept talking. And when the other woman in our row woke up, Ms. Nosy proceeded to tell her I was pregnant. This lesson was learned the hard way, especially on a plane where there was no where to go!

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