Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is Peanut a boy or a girl?

At this point, we are thinking that we will NOT find out Peanut's gender before he is born. I call Peanut a "he" because I think it's going to be a boy and Adam thinks it's going to be a girl. Here are some old wives tale hints that apply to me so you can decide for yourself.....

-When I add my age at the time of conception and the number of the month in which we conceived, the sum is an even number (boy)

-My age when I conceived (29) and the year that I conceived (2009) are both even or odd numbers (girl)

-I skipped morning sickness in early pregnancy (boy)

-I crave salty or sour foods (boy)

-I crave sweets (girl)

-A ring swings back and forth when dangled from a string over my belly (boy)

-My face reminices the breakouts of my teen years (girl)

-Heart rate of 150 (girl)

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