Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dr Appt #4

Today I went in for my monthly exam. Same drill - pee in a cup, get weighed, hear the baby's heart beat (apparently he was awake because it was between 160-170) and ask the dr. a few questions. I've gained a total of 5 pounds (according to my records it's more like 8). She also said that my due date is still Feb. 14, 2010, as the initial date is more accurate than the ultrasound date.

Of course I asked about getting the H1N1 flu shot, but the midwife seemed very hesitant about promoting it. She basically told me to take a "wait and see" approach. If there are high rates in the area, I should consider getting it. Being one that NEVER gets a flu shot, I'm with her on avoiding putting anything in my body that I don't need to and focusing on keeping my immune system healthy. We also talked about how my placenta is currently riding low, and that if it doesn't move (which they normally do by the 3rd trimester) I may have to have a c-section. I'll have another ultrasound done soon just to take another look at the placement.

Picture taken on 9.14.09 when multiple people at work commented for the first time on my "bump"

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