Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Second photo shoot

I had a follow-up ultrasound today to take a look at where my placenta is sitting. I think it's still a little low, but I'll be going back in every other week for the next couple months so they can keep tabs on it.

The more interesting news is that although I have not felt Peanut kick or punch yet, he had his fingers balled up like that's exactly what he was doing. The ultrasound tech was trying to get him to flip over by pushing on my belly, but he wasn't having any of it. That's my Peanut - stubborn just like me. He's also up to 12 oz, which according to my fruit chart, is a bit heavier than a mango. She did take some more pics, but they're not nearly as clear as the last ones. I also got to see both hemisphere's of his brain which was a bit weird to see.

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