Today I went and got my first external ultrasound. The technician seemed to think it was a bit too early in the pregnancy to be getting one of these, but I said I didn't want to find out the sex so hopefully it didn't matter. She then proceeded to have the wand on my (very full of water) belly for the next 30 minutes because she was so happy with the good shots she was getting. Peanut was in just the right position for his first real photo shoot, and he was busy, sucking his thumb, touching his face and crossing his ankles. Apparently I'm also a few days further along, with the Tech telling me I'm due Feb. 12, 2010. She also said that his heart rate is 150 and he is in the 57th percentile for weight. So, with that, I introduce to you, a thumb sucking Peanut at 17 weeks....

Incredible - thanks for sharing! Is the baby's name going to be "Peanut"?