Friday, June 11, 2010

4 month update

Weight: 19 lbs 10 oz

Length: 26 inches. He doesn't seem to be getting a lot taller! Wish the weight would start to level off!

Visitors: Kate Dall, Ann Elliott, Nick Halstead

Sleeping patterns: Over the past month have been waking up once during the night to eat, but am now going back to sleeping through the night. The other night I slept for 9 hour straight!

My Likes: Tummy time - who woulda thought? Rolling over, all the time and therefore almost exclusively sleeping on my belly. Putting anything and everything in my mouth. Drooling on everything. Sucking my thumb. Kicking my legs so much that mommy can barely change my diaper. My ducky paci now that I can hold it myself.

My Dislikes: When my "guys" on my exercauser don't go in my mouth the right way I get very upset.

Other milestones: I can roll over from my back to my tummy, but only going to the right. I went in the swimming pool for the first time. I've discovered my feet and my hands and love to watch them.

Trips: We went back to Mora, MN for Great Grandpa Barker's funeral on June 5th.

Looking forward to in the next month: Going to my "school" so my mommy can stop being a slacker and go back to work. Taking a couple of trips - one to MD and one to VA.

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