Monday, June 21, 2010

Bar crawl

We took Jackson on his first bar crawl on Saturday. Yes, you read that right. It wasn't planned. Really. Our kickball team does a bar crawl every year and it kicks off at a girl's house down the street from us. We thought we would just meet the team there to have a beer and see them off. As the team was getting ready to go the first bar at 8 pm we realized it was a pretty baby friendly spot since it's a restaurant as well. So, we went to the first bar. And then at 9 when it was time to change bars, we realized that was also a restaurant as well. So, to the second bar we went. The whole time Jack was either being really well behaved or was sleeping. Until about 9:30 when he realized he was hungry and tired and well, we couldn't argue with him. So, home we went with his first bar crawl under his diaper.

And this recap from our kickball captain: "Guys,First off, thanks to everyone for coming out to Ms. Fields bday bar crawl. I think the highlight of the night was seeing Adam and Nicole push Jackson in his stroller to the first two bars. Clearly the kid will make a great Sofa King someday."

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