4 am: Jackson wakes up and starts cooing/crying. This is the first night of the planned "Let Him Cry It Out" project. 15 minutes later, he's asleep.
5:45 am: Jackson wakes up, eats, and then goes back to sleep until 9:15 am.
10 am: Time for a walk and our first attempt at geocaching. Don't know what geocaching is? It's where you pretend you're a pirate and hunt for buried treasure. Or something like that. Adam got a new geocaching GPS from work and we thought we would give it a shot. It was actually pretty fun, but then again we are over 30 with a baby. Fun is a relative term these days.
11:30 am: Mommy makes daddy breakfast and he opens his presents. This year he received a customized card, a book called "Sh*t My Dad Says" and a personalized photo book with pictures of daddy and Jackson.

12:30 pm: Talk to Grandma and Grandpa Porter on the webcam.
1:30 pm: Go to the Blue Rocks game. Fall asleep.
5:00 pm: Our first paid babysitter arrives. I found her through a babysitting agency that my neighbor recommended. She's a grandmother and nice as can be. Adam and I go to Domaine Hudson for Brazilian night and to celebrate Father's Day and our Anniversary.
8:00 pm: Return home to find Jackson sleeping on the babysitter's chest on the lounge chair in the backyard. I can't even get him to sleep on my chest anymore, so this was clearly a success!
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