Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Darling Ducklings

Jackson will be a Darling Duckling on July 1 when he starts going to "school." We went there today to meet his teachers (Emma and Amy) and the other babies that are in the room. We liked both of the teachers, although Amy is just a temporary and due to have a baby in Sept.

There are currently 6 other babies in the room, including one other Jackson! However, they are all almost 1 year old so will soon be moving to a new room which is probably a good thing since they are all very mobile and were pretty much ready to have their way with Jack. There are two other babies starting in July (Otto and Gianna) and the teachers said they are happy to have little babies again. I'm sure it won't stay this way for long, but two teachers for three babies is great!

We laid Jackson on the floor and he did well. He played with some toys, looked at himself in the mirror and minded his own business like usual. The other babies (one in particular) were far more interested in him. There was a chorus of "Be gentle with the baby" while we were there.

Now I just need to get some "school" supplies, shed a few tears, and we'll be off and running!

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