Thursday, September 30, 2010

Throwback Thursday

Throwback to June 1, when mister mister was starting to roll over. Look at that mullet!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ear infection #1

We've already had too many colds to count, but yesterday Jackson was diagnosed with his first ear infection. The week had begun with him having a nasty cough and then I noticed lots of "stuff" in his left ear. Yesterday morning I was thinking it was probably time to take him to the doctor, but was hedging because he was eating, sleeping really well and was generally in good spirits. Then he woke up from a nap and felt like he was a little oven. Sure enough, he had a 100.3 degree temperature. Off to the doctor we went (thank goodness for Saturday hours) only to find out that he had a popped ear drum due to the build up of all the mucus. The doctor commented what a high pain tolerance he must have for the ear drum to have popped without him acting like it was the end of the world. So now it's antibiotics and ear drops for 10 days.

Fat Man in a Tigger Costume

I went to this enormous baby sale last weekend and found a Tigger costume for $3 so bought it thinking "no big deal if he doesn't fit into it in a month and a half." When I got home, and tried it on him I couldn't believe that it didn't fit him already! We weren't even able to zip it up and his feet where way to big for the footsies. It looked so big when I bought it. So, here you have Fat Man in a Tigger Costume.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's so funny?

Not quite sure what was making him laugh, but he was doing this for quite awhile in the kitchen today. Check out those two toofers on the top!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

No doubt about it - this kid is all Hardt

Jackson - 7 months

Daddy - 7 months

Uncle Aaron - 7 months

Auntie Andra - 7 months

Throwback Thursday

Jackson listening to Keane and discovering his toes. Doesn't he look like such a little buddha baby?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chicago in pictures (and a few words)

First stop: Pequods pizza with G-mommy Kate and G-daddy Phil

Grandma Honey and G-Pop came down to hang out on Saturday
Met Angel and her rhinestones for the first time before she whisked mommy away to Kate's bday dinner.

Grandma Honey feeds me after a short swim in the outdoor pool

Hanging with Phil and Kate again!

Sleepy times at Lucky Strike

I got to meet one of mommy and daddy's famous friends - Matt who rides the tractor in the Wendy's commercials.

I stole another little boys Badger hat

And I hung out with Phil and Kate again. I did hang out with lots of other people too - Ann, Rachel, Bill & Diana, but my mommy was too busy eating and talking to take any pictures. Boo!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Throwback Thursday

Look at those chunky legs! Hard to believe that was half 0f his life ago (3.5 months)!

Monday, September 13, 2010

7 month update

Weight: 22 lbs 0 oz

Length: Stay tuned!

Visitors: Kate came for a visit while since she was out our way for business, the Pasch's came over for the first time since moving to PA and Jamie and Aaron came for Labor Day.

Sleeping patterns: He is actually back to sleeping through the night. He still goes down between 9 and 10 pm and sometimes I even have to wake him up to feed him before I go to work.

My Likes: Pulling myself up on anything that is at the right height - couches, chairs, boxes, the printer, etc. I love to stand there and look around. I've also started dropping things on the floor while I'm standing, and practicing picking it up without falling flat on my butt.

My Dislikes: When mommy says "no" to me in a really stern voice, I usually crumble to the floor and cry. I also hate having my diaper changed. I immediately roll over on to my belly and make it very hard for mommy and daddy to do their job.

Other milestones: My first top tooth which Grandma Honey discovered while we were in Chicago this past weekend. I also had my first bottle of formula yesterday. Mommy thinks that 7 months of me exlusively drinking breast milk is enough.

Trips: We just got back today from a weekend in Chicago. Adam had a conference there today and tomorrow so we went in for the weekend and got to see some great friends.

Looking forward to in the next month: We don't have any trips or visitors in the next month - a first! We'll be resting up for a busy October - December.

Aunt Jamie & Uncle Aaron Visit

Aunt Jamie and Uncle Aaron came to visit us for Labor Day. We went for a walk through the Brandywine, got manis & pedis (girls only), went to Buddakhan in Philly for dinner (while Jackson stayed home with a new babysitter), went to pajama breakfast at Buckleys and then the Phillies/Brewers game.

The Paschs Visit

I'm playing catch up on blog posts. Life has been a bit crazy lately (more so than ususal thanks to work), but we were happy to have the Pasch's come down towards the end of August for a barbecue! Wyatt and Wilton are growing up way too fast!

Monday, September 6, 2010

My downward facing dogs

Apparently Jackson gets his yogi-like tendancies from his daddy. Both are 6 months old in these photos!

Ba Ba Ba Black Sheep

Just this weekend Jackson has started standing up a lot more and saying "ba ba ba." Still no da da or ma ma. We do predict a walker by Thanksgiving though.

Snot Nose Kyle strikes again

On Thursday I got a call from daycare that went like this.....

Goddard School: "Hi Nicole. This is Beth from Goddard. Jackson is fine, but I just wanted to call and let you know that he was playing with his friends today and one of them bit his leg. We put ice on it and I'm not even sure there will be a mark when you come to pick him up. I had him laughing afterwards and now he's fine."

Nicole: "Let me guess....Snot Nose Kyle is the perp who treated my son like a drumstick?" Ok, so I really didn't say that, but I did know immediately that it must be SNK even though they never tell you who it is.

After work, I went to pick him up and walked into the room to find him laying all nice and peaceful on the floor feeding himself a bottle! I said "Look at you big boy!" and the next thing I knew: WHAM, SNK had slapped Jackson on the belly, making him cry and putting an end to his eating. I calmly walked over to pick up Jackson's "incident report" and what do you know? SNK had one too - FOR BITING MY SON. Confirmed. That kid is lucky he's moving up to the 1 year old room this week.
Here's the proof if Jackson ever needs to go to baby court :-)

And here is Jackson at home showing off his latest skills.

Later that night we took Jackson to his first NFL game to see the Eagles play a pre-season game. We were lucky to be in the AAA box and to meet some cheerleaders. Jackson loved their pom-poms.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

G-mommy Kate whirls into Delaware

It's always a treat to have G-mommy Kate visit. Even better when it's on her company's dime! A couple of weeks ago (yes, I'm that behind in posting. Please feel free to take it up with my company) she came into town on Thursday for a couple of nights and hung out with us and got to see how much Jack has grown.