Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ear infection #1

We've already had too many colds to count, but yesterday Jackson was diagnosed with his first ear infection. The week had begun with him having a nasty cough and then I noticed lots of "stuff" in his left ear. Yesterday morning I was thinking it was probably time to take him to the doctor, but was hedging because he was eating, sleeping really well and was generally in good spirits. Then he woke up from a nap and felt like he was a little oven. Sure enough, he had a 100.3 degree temperature. Off to the doctor we went (thank goodness for Saturday hours) only to find out that he had a popped ear drum due to the build up of all the mucus. The doctor commented what a high pain tolerance he must have for the ear drum to have popped without him acting like it was the end of the world. So now it's antibiotics and ear drops for 10 days.

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