Monday, September 6, 2010

Snot Nose Kyle strikes again

On Thursday I got a call from daycare that went like this.....

Goddard School: "Hi Nicole. This is Beth from Goddard. Jackson is fine, but I just wanted to call and let you know that he was playing with his friends today and one of them bit his leg. We put ice on it and I'm not even sure there will be a mark when you come to pick him up. I had him laughing afterwards and now he's fine."

Nicole: "Let me guess....Snot Nose Kyle is the perp who treated my son like a drumstick?" Ok, so I really didn't say that, but I did know immediately that it must be SNK even though they never tell you who it is.

After work, I went to pick him up and walked into the room to find him laying all nice and peaceful on the floor feeding himself a bottle! I said "Look at you big boy!" and the next thing I knew: WHAM, SNK had slapped Jackson on the belly, making him cry and putting an end to his eating. I calmly walked over to pick up Jackson's "incident report" and what do you know? SNK had one too - FOR BITING MY SON. Confirmed. That kid is lucky he's moving up to the 1 year old room this week.
Here's the proof if Jackson ever needs to go to baby court :-)

And here is Jackson at home showing off his latest skills.

Later that night we took Jackson to his first NFL game to see the Eagles play a pre-season game. We were lucky to be in the AAA box and to meet some cheerleaders. Jackson loved their pom-poms.

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