Monday, September 20, 2010

Chicago in pictures (and a few words)

First stop: Pequods pizza with G-mommy Kate and G-daddy Phil

Grandma Honey and G-Pop came down to hang out on Saturday
Met Angel and her rhinestones for the first time before she whisked mommy away to Kate's bday dinner.

Grandma Honey feeds me after a short swim in the outdoor pool

Hanging with Phil and Kate again!

Sleepy times at Lucky Strike

I got to meet one of mommy and daddy's famous friends - Matt who rides the tractor in the Wendy's commercials.

I stole another little boys Badger hat

And I hung out with Phil and Kate again. I did hang out with lots of other people too - Ann, Rachel, Bill & Diana, but my mommy was too busy eating and talking to take any pictures. Boo!

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