Monday, September 13, 2010

7 month update

Weight: 22 lbs 0 oz

Length: Stay tuned!

Visitors: Kate came for a visit while since she was out our way for business, the Pasch's came over for the first time since moving to PA and Jamie and Aaron came for Labor Day.

Sleeping patterns: He is actually back to sleeping through the night. He still goes down between 9 and 10 pm and sometimes I even have to wake him up to feed him before I go to work.

My Likes: Pulling myself up on anything that is at the right height - couches, chairs, boxes, the printer, etc. I love to stand there and look around. I've also started dropping things on the floor while I'm standing, and practicing picking it up without falling flat on my butt.

My Dislikes: When mommy says "no" to me in a really stern voice, I usually crumble to the floor and cry. I also hate having my diaper changed. I immediately roll over on to my belly and make it very hard for mommy and daddy to do their job.

Other milestones: My first top tooth which Grandma Honey discovered while we were in Chicago this past weekend. I also had my first bottle of formula yesterday. Mommy thinks that 7 months of me exlusively drinking breast milk is enough.

Trips: We just got back today from a weekend in Chicago. Adam had a conference there today and tomorrow so we went in for the weekend and got to see some great friends.

Looking forward to in the next month: We don't have any trips or visitors in the next month - a first! We'll be resting up for a busy October - December.

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