Wednesday, July 28, 2010

24 weeks

Jackson is 24 weeks old today and such an occasion calls for a quick update on the one, the only, Lovey Loo.....


  • Rolling over, from stomach to back and back to stomach
  • Sitting up on his own for long periods of time
  • Moving from being on his back or stomach into a sitting position (tonight I found him sitting in his crib under his mobile, crying, just waiting for mommy to save him)
  • Moving across the floor (not crawling!) commando style. He has been known to wedge himself under the couch and chair.
  • He loves our little pig watering can and will climb a mountain to get that thing in his hand.


  • Twice a day he has rice cereal and the veggie/fruit du jour.
  • So far sweet potatoes, carrots and bananas are a hit. Peas go down the shoot, but not very happily.
  • His two bottom teeth have fully "popped"
  • He's still breastfeeding and I'm still pumping at work. I have no idea how long this will last!


  • He sleeps through the night about every other night. The non-sleep through nights usually involve a little back rubbing until he quiets down. Sometimes, if he's lucky (i.e., really mad) he gets to eat.
  • He is a champ at going to sleep. 9 times out of 10 I just have to lay him down in his crib and he is out.
  • He's still napping a lot at school as well.


  • No talking yet! There are more consonant sounding noises, though.
  • He is also starting to blow raspberries which is pretty funny now, but I'm sure it will get pretty old, especially if he does it while he's eating.


  • He's starting to cry in reaction to some people, although generally seems totally fine to have anybody hold him
  • He's also cried for the first time when he had something taken away from him (my flip flop!)

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