Thursday, July 1, 2010

First Day of School

Today was Jackson's first day of 'school' and it went really well! I knew we were off to a good start when both him and I slept through the night. I put him down at 10 pm and had to wake him up at 6 am to feed and get ready for his first day. You could just see in his eyes how tired he was.

We spent last night getting our num-num supply ready, as we had already dropped off all of his diapers, wipes, outfits, etc. earlier in the day.

Day care opens at 7 am and we were there not a minute later. I wanted to be there for his first drop off, but normally Adam will take him and it won't be so early. He was the only baby there when we left, so left feeling really good seeing Jackson sitting on his teacher's lap. I surprised myself and didn't cry a single tear.

I only called once to check in on him and the purple-haired teacher said he was a little fussy in the morning but had a couple of bottles and was taking frequent naps.

Daddy went to visit him for 20 minutes during lunch and said that he was doing well and letting the bigger kids crawl all over him.

Jackson had a long first day as we didn't get there until 5:30 pm to pick him up. He was having a bottle and was all smiles, ready to go home. First to drop off, last to pick up = bang for our daycare dollar.

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