Friday, July 16, 2010

Notes from Daycare

Some days we have notes from Jackson's teachers when we pick him up. Here are some examples:

"Jackson was giving himself kisses in the mirror. It was super cute!"

"Jackson was giving all of his teachers big smiles all day today!"

"Jackson enjoyed doing one of our many art projects today!"

And we also got this "incident report":
"Another child was interested in the strawberry on Jackson's face and grabbed it. The other child scratched Jackson's cheek. Jackson did not cry or fuss at all." The treatment provdied? "TLC and ice."

And then this note yesterday:
"Jackson had an off day today. He was crankier than normal and he drank his bottles every 2 hrs instead of 3. I will talk to you more about it in the morning. Can you bring in 5-6 bottles for tomorrow. Thanks, Ms. Amy"

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