Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July weekend

Fourth of July weekend was HOT HOT HOT so we only made a few trips outside.

Saturday we went to Woodside Creamery for the first time. We brought a little picnic, had the best cookies n' cream I've ever had and listend to the random mix of people who had gathered to play bluegrass.

On Sunday we managed to get out for a walk and returned FOUR unsuccessful geocaches later. We also went to the fireworks down on the riverfront. We thought that Jackson may not like the noise too much (as he hates motorcycles and daddy's impersonation of Chewbacca), but he didn't even bat an eyelash once the fireworks started. Apparently he takes more after his daddy than his mommy when it comes to fireworks, because I am not a fan.

On Monday evening we walked up to Rockford Park for a free concert by Jenny & Tyler. Jackson wore an appropriate onesie.

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