Saturday, July 24, 2010

Transition back to work

How is it going, you ask? Well, after 3 weeks, I'm still employed so I guess that's a start. All kidding aside, it actually feels great to be back and I knew that I made the right decision to return to work within the first day of being back in the office. I need my own time, my own salary, my own adult conversations, my own education put to use. Jackson also needs time without us, to learn that someone won't hold him all the time, to socialize with other babies, to poop his diaper for other people, to learn the baby sign language that I probably never would have taught him.

It ain't easy though. Nights are starting to feel a bit like Groundhog's Day - get home, play time, feed Jackson, eat, clean bottles, make bottles for next day, give Jackson solids, read a book, feed Jackson, pick out clothes for me and Jack for the next day, lights out hopefully by 10. And work is getting crazy busy for me and I'm already being asked to travel. To VA. To Nashville. To NYC. And so when days are long, or crazy, or both, I think of this little cartoon that I saw in a magazine on my way into the office my first day back.

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