Sunday, February 17, 2013

3 year update

Weight:  37.1 lbs
Length: 39.25 inches

Jackson was very good for his 3 year check-up.
My Likes: Thomas, Percy, James and every other train known to mankind.  This includes the many Thomas iPad apps I have.  I'm also really good at puzzles.  And I'm totally into any Disney/Pixar movie mommy and daddy show me, particularly if it's coupled with popcorn and bubbles.  I also like to drive my shopping cart around the house and "crash the wheels."  And speaking of driving, I like to sing along to songs when we are in the car.  And I like doing the "photobooth" with mommy on the computer. 

My Dislikes:  The pink "backpack" mommy wants to put on me when we go to swim lessons.  Not even a donut bribe will get me to put one on.  I also don't like when things aren't like they "normally" are.  For example, I don't like when daddy drives mommy's car and I make a point of telling him that.  I don't like when mommy & daddy take away my trains if I've been naughty, but I've started to catch on to their game and have been behaving a bit better lately. 

My Words: I talk quite a bit, particularly when I'm playing my trains.  I'm pretty good at articulating what I want and more importantly what I don't want.  

Looking forward to in the next few months: Going to CA in April!  Mommy has a work conference, so daddy and I are tagging along to go to Disneyland, Sea World, the San Diego zoo, Legoland and baseball games (the Brewers will be in San Diego!).  Word on the street is that Auntie Andra may even visit from Paris in May!

Honey came up with Jackson's official logo!

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