Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thomas Birthday Party

On Monday, we threw a little Thomas-themed birthday party for Jackson at his school.  This was on the monitor when you walk into school.
When I walked into his class, all the kids were sitting on the rug nicely listening to the teacher tell a story.

The teachers were nice and decorated a table cloth for Jackson, complete with Jackson sitting at the head of the table with his two side-kicks, Colin and Connor, sitting next to him.

 I made these Thomas cupcakes for him to share with his class.  Yeah right.  We all know I can't even sew a button on my pants, so these were made by our friends at Cakes by Kim.  They were awesome and gave the kids the proper sugar-high leading up to nap time.

Daddy cued up the Jackson 3 with the Thomas theme song.  They all knew it by heart and sang along.  Jackson had a great time eating pizza, cupcakes and celebrating his love for Thomas with his friends.

 More birthday pictures here.

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