Sunday, February 17, 2013

Potty Training

Jackson has officially been sitting on the potty for a year.  I can't believe I actually just typed that, but it's true.  And in December when we found out about Butter Bean (named by G-Daddy Phil), we realized it was time to put the pedal to the metal because there is no way we're going to be changing two sets of diapers.  Let me just say this - potty training sucks, particularly with boys (or so I've been told). However, we are making progress, thanks to sticker charts, Thomas prizes, the teachers at school and more effort on mommy & daddy's part (after all, it is WAY more convenient to change a diaper every 4 hours than ask every 20 minutes if he has to pee).  While I can't say that he's fully potty trained, I can say that he pees AND poops on the potty and that he should be fully trained before he turns 33.  

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