Saturday, February 2, 2013

On the Trail again.....

We found out on December 11 that we are expecting bambino #2!  That night was Adam's Christmas party at Longwood Gardens (where we had our wedding photos shot), so as we were strolling through the gardens, I gave him a Christmas card from Jackson that I had "forgotten" to give him the weekend before when we did our family Christmas.  The card said told Adam that he was the best daddy ever and was signed Jackson and Baby Hardt (due Aug 14, 2013).  I'm two out of two on delivering the news via card and also surprising Adam!

I've just moved into the second trimester and everything seems to be going good so far.  I had a pretty easy first trimester with just a bit of nausea.  I've been craving a lot of red meat (last time it was pizza) and have been sleeping 9 hours each night.  I've had an early gestational diabetes test and thankfully it came back negative, so won't have to test again until my 28th week.

Jackson has been asked if he wants a brother or sister, but responds with "No, I want a baby puppy" so clearly he's not on board with this yet.  I'm sure it really won't hit him until he meets his new sibling.  In the meantime, we are working very hard on potty training!

I also just had to tell work as they wanted me to manage a project through the end of 2013.  So, the cat is definitely out of the bag on this one.

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