Saturday, February 2, 2013

Christmas in WI

I'll get to excuses about why this is so late in a later post, but for now, I present Christmas 2012.  All pictures here.  

We arrived in Milwaukee on the evening of Friday, December 21.  We did the Hardt Christmas on Saturday, mommy met Aaron and Jamie's baby Lorelei and then we were on the road Sunday morning heading up to Chippewa.  

Chippewa Falls
Christmas Eve was spent with Uncle Josh and Cousin Jason hanging out, eating Christmas cornflake wreaths (Jackson's new favorite) and watching movies.  On Christmas Day, Grandma Great Amundson and Uncle Josh came over.  Uncle Josh, being the HILARIOUS (and unsanitary guy) that he is, taught Daphne the dog to eat a dog treat out of Jackson's mouth.  And I got a surprise with a birthday cake that my mom made me.  

On the 26th, we headed to Tomah so Jackson could take his requisite nap in Grandpa Bob's lap.  We also took a trip to La Crosse for dinner and to see Christmas lights and then we went to the Yogi Bear water park for a morning of tubing and water slides.  

It was back to Milwaukee on the 28th.  On the 29th, we got some fresh snow so took advantage of it and put Jackson in his "snow car" and played in the yard and then eventually made our way to the sledding hill.  Jackson had a few good runs, but on the last one he got a massive face wash and it was all over.  We were in Milwaukee until Jan 1, seeing friends, sleeping, going to movies, eating and just all around being lazy.

Jackson had a great time on this trip.  He got way too many presents (but kept asking for "more more presents"), but enjoyed all the play time, movie time and overall just being loved on time.  It's always such a treat to be back "home."

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