Sunday, December 13, 2009

31 Week Update

How far along? 31 weeks

Total weight gain? 24.8 lbs

Maternity clothes? Are starting to feel a little snug. :-(

Sleep? Actually sleeping a bit better on most nights, although acid reflux is now a part of my vocabulary.

Best moment this week? Getting to see my twin 8 year old nieces and their 2 year old sister. Nothing like a little view into what our life will be like!

Movement? There have been a couple jabs that have taken my breath away.

Gender? Still thinking it's a boy. Speaking of which, I think we've changed our minds on what we want Peanut's name to be if he's a boy.

Labor signs? Nope, not even a Braxton Hicks contraction (that I know of) yet.

What I miss? Feeling like I had plenty of time before this babe arrives.

What I am looking forward to? Christmas at home, for the first time ever! Although I will miss all of our family, I think the overnight travel is officially over. My next hotel bill will be from the hospital. I wonder if they take Starwood points?

Weekly Wisdom? Don't eat peanut butter. It feels like it just sticks to the inside of your chest.

Milestones? Not killing Adam when he wondered what I was going to do with all my time off for maternity leave.

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