Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nicole! Love, Gestational Diabetes

It's official - I have gestational diabetes. Boo! I failed my second glucose screen and the doctor was gracious enough to call me yesterday and tell me. I wish she would have looked at my chart and said "You know what? I think I'll let her turn 30, eat some cake, and then break the news to her."

I now need to go to the Diabetes Center (not sure exactly what happens here, but I presume I will meet with a nutritionist) and have regular ultrasounds to make sure Peanut is doing ok and not gaining too much weight. Apparently baby weight gain is one of the biggest concerns of gestational diabetes and therefore may result in a c-section. I've found the best information here. I'll know and post more once I've actually learned more!

Now, off to have a high protein lunch with Adam!

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