Saturday, March 5, 2011

The bottle factory is closed

While I was in Europe for work, the bottle factory closed. Hooray! Now the lunch factor is open. Boo!

I really hated working in the bottle factory - every night there seemed to be an endless supply of bottles, nipples and hundreds of bottle parts to wash, and then fill up in preparation for the next day. However, it was a straightforward, mindless process that probably took 5-7 minutes each night. Adam was a trooper and successfully transitioned Jackson from formula to organic whole milk.

Sidebar: I say organic because I think it's a bit taboo in these parts to give your child anything but organic dairy anymore for fear of all the crap that goes into the other milk. I even had a nutritionist at work the other day insinuate that it's unnatural for babies to drink straight milk, other than from their mother. Oy!

The lunch factory is worse than the bottle factory. Every night we are steaming veggies (yes, we are actually giving him real vegetables every single day now), cutting, chopping, defrosting, cooking, portioning.....the list goes on and on. It's a lot of work and requires far more thought than working in the bottle factory.

Every day Jackson goes to school with a protein (usually chicken pieces or turkey meatballs), veggies (carrots, squash, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes) and fruit (blueberries, grapes, kiwi). Thankfully he is a great eater and we continue to work to expand what he eats. At night he pretty much eats whatever we are eating. Needless to say, I will never beat this mama in a lunch making contest.

I returned from my trip to find that Jackson had done some work of his own in the kitchen. Don't worry, sweetie, they were only wedding presents.

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