Saturday, March 5, 2011

One year checkup

The day after we got back from Aruba (Feb 18), we took Jackson for his one year checkup. They should call it "mommy and daddy interrogation" because half of the time with the doctor is spent answering her questions. For example, when asked what Jackson eats, I was quick to say "Oh, cheese bread, macaroni and cheese, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, bananas, blueberries" and her immediate response was "ANY VEGETABLES?" Oh right, those things. Yeah, not so great in that dept because that requires more work than just peeling or cutting. Right out of the gate, we were down 10 points.

She was also not pleased to see that Jackson had fallen below "off the charts" for weight. Apparently the fact that he is now walking and very busy wasn't enough of an explanation. She said that this would be monitored in case it falls any lower (as though the kid were at risk for starvation).

We were to also immediately begin his transition to whole milk (which we were planning, but just wanted to wait until after vacation was over) and because we're not entirely sure if he's allergic to eggs, he couldn't get his 1 year vaccinations yet. So now we have to get some blood work done to determine the egg allergy and then back for the shots.

And just as I was getting ready to turn Jackson's car seats to the forward facing position, she was quick to tell us that best practice is to keep him backward facing for as long as possible (typically around 2 years).

As for nuts? Well, it depends on the day and who you ask. She basically told us to go ahead and give them a shot given we don't have a history of nut allergies in our families.

We also go to the heart doctor in March for his one year check up to see if the little holes have closed up on their own.

Rough visit for mommy and daddy, but he's doing great!

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