Saturday, March 5, 2011

Glorious Geese

On February 28, Jackson officially became a Glorious Goose as he transitioned to the big kids room. He had spent the previous week transitioning by spending a bit of time in both rooms. So far, so good, but there are some changes.

Glorious Geese rules
  1. There are NO morning naps. Don't even think about it, or you will flunk back to the baby room and spend your days eating mushed peas.

  2. There is an afternoon nap on a mat, and sleeping less than 2 hours is unacceptable. Ok, maybe not, but all the kids do nap together at the same time and if they wake up before the other kids, they must play quietly. I think their definition of quiet must be different than adults'.

  3. Parents must bring in lunch, which the child needs to feed themselves. There is no warming device for said lunch, so hopefully your child likes cold chicken and veggies.

  4. You will go to the gym twice a day. You will run around so much that you are so tired that you can barely walk back to the room unassisted.

  5. You will kick SNK's (Snot Nose Kyle's) ass if he even so much as looks at you wrong. Mommy and daddy fully support you.

  6. You will get along with Otto because his mommy is from WI and is a Badger and a Packer fan.

  7. You will dress up as requested, and in this case, for Dr. Suess's birthday!

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