Monday, March 14, 2011

One is the new two

This weekend was lovely because both Adam and I were home all weekend with Jackson (minus date night on Saturday night) and got to spend lots of time with him together. However, over the course of Saturday and Sunday, Jackson managed to have two meltdowns where neither Adam or I could console him and had to change his environment (e.g., take him for a walk) to get him to calm his craziness down. I also learned my lesson - leave the kid alone before he's had his breakfast. The Snooger Patrol (i.e., mommy) can wait until he has a full belly before she goes after that nasty nose.

This leads me to one the new two? Or is two just going to be doubly as fun?

He did manage to have fun in a box though! And if you're wondering when we're going to cut his hair....the answer is soon! I think Daddy is starting to get embarrassed!

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