Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Hardt heart

Last Wednesday Jackson had his one year cardiologist appointment to see if the holes in his heart had closed. Good news - all three of them are fully closed and he received a clean bill of health and no need to go back to see the pediatric cardiologist again! He was a pretty good boy for his EKG, echo and ultrasound (yes, they used a little baby wand on his chest just like they used to use on me to hear his heart beat in my belly). He was also tested for a possible egg allergy. Turns out he is "slightly" allergic to egg whites but not egg yolk. So, we have a 2 hour appt set up with a pediatric allergist in May for some further testing. Being at A I Dupont Children's Hospital is such a beautifully heartbreaking, humbling experience. There we were with our healthy little boy while all these other families had little ones that were obviously not there for just a check-up. We are certainly aware of all we have to be grateful for.

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