Sunday, January 3, 2010

34 Week Update

How far along? 34 weeks

Total weight gain? 25.6 lbs. Less than a pound over the past 3 weeks, like due to the change in diet.

Maternity clothes? Not adding anymore to my collection at this point, so if you see me wearing the same shirt in the same week, you'll know why!

Sleep? Not too shabby. Most nights are just filled with switching from side to side, but I do occasionally go and sleep in the living room chair for a bit.

Best moment this week? Learning I had gestational diabetes! You don't believe me? Ok, fine. Probably celebrating New Year's with Adam and knowing how crazy 2010 is going to be for us.

Movement? Two nights ago Peanut punched (or kicked) me so hard it not only woke me up but took my breath away. I had to get up to try and give this baby some room to move around for awhile.

Gender? People will say to me "You're carrying low - it's totally a boy." Others will say "You're carrying low - it's totally a girl." Would be nice if we had our Old Wives tales straight! Which one is it?!?!

Labor signs? Have felt a few Braxton Hicks contractions here and there, but nothing intense.

What I miss? Eating whatever I want. What I don't miss? Knowing that could be causing this baby to be HUGE!

What I am looking forward to? The real baby classes begin on Thursday this week, although I'm going tomorrow night to the hospital to learn more about breastfeeding. In Adam's words - "how hard can it be?" Such a boy response!

Weekly Wisdom? Eat peanut butter, even if it feels like it's going to suffocate you. It's a good way of getting protein in the morning.

Milestones? I think we have almost everything we need if Peanut were to show up tomorrow. Car seat, diapers, wipes, some clothes. I think the only thing we're missing is a name.

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