Tuesday, January 19, 2010

By the Numbers Fun

1 - Number of bags packed for the hospital
2 - Number of names we have chosen; 1 for a boy, 1 for a girl. These are final. I hope.
3 - Number of "hees" you're suppose to say before "hoo" when breathing during contractions (e.g., hee hee hee hoo)
4 - Number of Peanut related appts I had this week - Ultrasound, OB, Car seat installation, Childbirth class (topic is c-section)
5 - Number of days until Peanut is "full-term"; also number of months I am taking off of work
6 - Number of garbage bags (each bag holds 180 diapers) we bought on Sunday for the diaper pail
7 - Number of blocks to the hospital
8 - Number of days I have left of work
9 - Number of times I've been to Target in the past month (or at least it feels like it)
10 - Target number of "kicks" I'm suppose to feel each day. I think I feel that many in an any given hour.

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