Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Head full of hair

I spent most of the day today at doctors appointments. First, I had my regular ob/gyn 34 week appointment, an ultrasound (due to the gestational diabetes), and then an appointment with a doctor at the diabetes clinic. Here is an executive summary:
  • Peanut is in a heads down position, so no longer breech! Of course he could decide to change his mind and flip back around.
  • The ultrasound tech commented (again) on how much hair he has and how active he is. Adam was right when he said he felt feet on the left side of my belly, because that's exactly where they are.
  • Peanut's estimated weight is 6 lbs 12 oz right now. This is a bit higher than the 4-5 lbs that I read 34 week babies should be. Needless to say, Peanut will likely surpass the 50th percentile in this area.
  • My blood sugars look good so no need for insulin at this point. Just need to keep monitoring my blood.
  • If there has been one good thing that has come out of having gestational diabetes, it's been that I've gotten another opportunity to see Peanut via ultrasound. Today she even made it 3D for me and took some pictures. Without further ado, here is my bashful Peanut who kept putting his hands in front of his face.

Although it appears as though Peanut has a giant hole in his head, this is apparently only due to the marvels of technology.

Adam thinks Peanut has a nose just like Andra did when she was a baby. Maybe time to start thinking about revisiting those girl names.

Stop taking pictures of me, por favor!

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