Saturday, January 2, 2010

(Pre) Push Present

I've been teasing Adam that after these 10 months (it really is 10, and not 9, by the way) that I've been carrying Peanut around should result in some sort of "Push Present." Of course he thought it was a sham excuse to get a nice present, just like me marketing my "golden birthday" last year. Low and behold, when we were at Domaine Hudson for dinner on New Years Eve, he gave me a new watch for a "Pre-Push Present." This was his way of making the "Push Present" idea his own. He also said that he recognizes the next month is probably going to be pretty difficult. Little did he know when he bought it that I was going to be pricking my fingers daily. This watch perfectly complements the new diamond earrings he gave me for my 30th birthday. Too bad Peanut's 529 college plan is going to have to wait now.....

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