Saturday, January 2, 2010

Checking blood sugars: Day 1

I went to my gestational diabetes class on New Years Eve to learn more about what I should be eating, how to test my blood sugar and how to give myself insulin, if that time comes.

The bottom line is I need to eat a diet rich in protein, fiber and complex carbs. Adam's candy stash doesn't fall into any of those. Neither do Oreos. Or vanilla wafers. This is all a good excuse for me to clean up my diet, however.

I also need to check my blog sugars frequently during the day. For the first three days, I'm pricking my fingers 7 times per day to get a measurement. On the fourth day until Peanut is born, I need to test 4 times. Yesterday was my first day of checking and all readings were good except for one that was pretty high.

The last thing I need to do is pee on a stick before each meal to check my ketones. I'm not sure I completely understand what this does, but it is another factor that determines whether I may have to take insulin.

I will only have to give myself insulin if I/my body can't regulate my glucose levels on my own. The nurse actually made me practice giving myself a shot in the stomach at the hospital to prove I can do it. I was waiting for myself to pass out (like I did when I had needles inserted in my arm for allergy testing), but no such luck. Giving yourself a shot of insulin, although nothing one aspires to do, is not painful at all. In fact, I would argue that it's easier than the finger prick. In any case, let's hope it doesn't come to that.

And that, boys and girls, is the most detail I'm ever going to bore you with regarding gestational diabetes. I'm off to the doctor on Tuesday and also to get an ultrasound and biophysical to make sure Peanut isn't 20 pounds yet.

All my testing equipment lined up like little soldiers.

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