Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bad news bears - epidrual style

Adam and I went to our second birthing class tonight. Last week we learned about natural childbirth, which was interesting, but I was even more interested to learn about pain management (e.g., epidurals) tonight. I've been pretty sold on having as much pain medication as necessary since I'm pretty much a big baby. Adam has also been a fan so he wouldn't have to deal with me in such a state. That came to a screeching halt when I learned that I may not be able to have an epidural due to having had scoliosis surgery when I was younger. The teacher/RN recommended that I check with my OB and the anesthesiologist to get the final say, but basically told me not to hold my breath.

What happened to my "easy" pregnancy?

We were further disappointed when the couple that is a week away from their due date and apparently 2 cms dilated had to leave the class due to contractions. I think Adam was hoping a live demonstration was a part of our class fees.

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