Sunday, January 24, 2010

37 week update

How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain? 27.2 lbs. I have actually dropped very slightly, which is common as the due date nears.

Maternity clothes? Yes, still going strong and don't even get me started about how uncomfortable wearing a bra is, even though they are theoretically big enough.

Sleep? No complaints here, other than the weirdo dreams I'm having. The latest one had Adam getting his drivers license taken away for 1.5 years.

Best moment this week? Knowing that if Peanut were born today, he would no longer be considered pre-term.

Movement? The ultrasound last week showed why there is so much action in there. Basically, Peanut his his rump jammed into the right side of my belly, leaving the entire left side for his little legs and feet to kick as much as he wants.

Gender? Hanging tight to the boy theory, so if it's a girl, then it's safe to say I may have no motherly intuition.

Labor signs? Not really! And the ultrasound tech confirmed last week that although Peanut is heads down, he hasn't really decended.

What I miss? The earlier part of the pregnancy when I was blissfully ignorant of the actual "giving birth" details. Good thing they don't make you take birthing classes before you actually get pregnant, or this blog may not exist.

What I am looking forward to? Meeting Peanut, of course! Hard to believe that it could literally be any day (rather than month or week).

Weekly Wisdom? Wanting an epidural does not make you any less of a woman. It may make you a bit of a dirty birdie since you can't shower immediately afterwards, however.

Milestones? Full-term baby at 37 weeks, of course!

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